Custom Class: header-utility-wrapper

Custom Class: header-breadcrumbs

Upper Primary student leading discussions

Our Routines in Upper Primary

Drop off and pick up (collection) times

Morning Arrival     All children may arrive between 07:30 and 08:25
Afternoon Collection  Children may be collected at 15:30 Monday to Thursday and 14:00 on Friday
After School Programme  Children may be collected between 17:00 and 18:00 Monday to Friday

Children in both Lower Primary and Upper Primary may be dropped off at school from 07:30, where they can spend time socialising with their friends or reading quietly. At 08:00 children can go to their class homeroom or attend a range of booster classes in German, French, English and Maths. They are encouraged to enter our school independently, where they are welcomed by a staff member.

Each class follows a timetable whereby the children move between classes to receive their dedicated tuition, for example, German, French and Music with specialist teachers. Break is supervised by adults and spent either in the park, in the outdoor area at school or playing indoor games in the hall. During the half-hour morning break children are provided with bread and seasonal fruit. Lunch times are staggered, with slots between 12:00 and 13:30, when children enjoy meals which are prepared daily by our on-site chef.

ELA Basel cultivates the values of respect, integrity, compassion and intellectual independence. There is a strong emphasis placed on high expectations of behaviour, good manners and contributing in a positive way to the community, together with respect for diversity and tolerance of others.

Our philosophy permeates our school day; for example, at lunch time, children sit and eat in small groups, enjoying socialising and discussing the events of the day in a calm and respectful manner.

In order to increase exposure to German for those considering going on to a secondary school where German is the dominant language, we offer German language lunches (children use German as the language of communication in a social setting) as part of our weekly programme, and a proportion of our Music programme is taught in German. In our older year groups, academic learning in German is increased: Art is taught in German and children can opt for a proportion of their Mathematics and Science curriculum to be taught in German. The Mathematics option for children transitioning to German speaking secondary schools is significant, as this allows for consolidation of concepts and strategies using subject specific mathematical terminology in German. Children who do not wish to opt for this continue with their Mathematics curriculum in English.

Upper primary teacher invites a student to answer the question
Upper primary students raise their hands in class

ELA Basel Primary School includes its children in decision-making processes. They are encouraged to express themselves articulately in order to contribute positively to the development of the community via consensus building and healthy debate.

Each semester, children are selected to represent their class on the School Council. This is a group from Primary 3 to Primary 8 who liaise with their fellow classmates to generate ideas that will improve the experience of all children at school. Their suggestions are considered in consultation with the Head of Primary and the Executive Director. The School Council has influenced the lunch menu, orchestrated a very successful forest day and suggested valuable resources for all age ranges.

We have weekly themed assemblies where the children's achievements are celebrated through a variety of certificates and trophies. Classes are invited to share their learning in front of an audience in a confident and engaging manner. The children of ELA Basel understand that they are role models, both in and out of school, and this consistent encouragement to be the best version of themselves that they can be, makes for a truly unique and welcoming environment.

ELA Basel is a place where children feel valued, safe and secure.