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Upper Primary student leading discussions

Upper Primary Curriculum

ELA Basel Primary School follows the English National Curriculum, which we have adapted to incorporate our international character and Swiss affiliation.

The curriculum is primarily taught in English and is planned to ensure that it is engaging, challenging and inspiring, so that children develop into motivated lifelong learners. Our children represent a wide variety of nationalities, which gives us a truly international perspective; our curriculum is enhanced by their richness of expertise and experience. Children are encouraged to be confident, independent learners who both benefit from and contribute to their class, school and wider community.

Our class teachers plan and prepare the curriculum and are supported by teaching assistants. We offer a high adult to student ratio which enables us to offer personalised teaching, encouragement and support in an optimum environment.

Upper Primary student working in class

The following subject areas are covered in the curriculum:

  • English
  • Mathematics
  • Science
  • German
  • French
  • Geography
  • History
  • Music
  • Computing
  • Personal Social Health and Cultural Education
  • Design and Technology
  • Art and Design
  • Physical Education (including weekly swimming lessons)