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Upper Primary After-School Programme

Upper Primary (Year 2 to Year 7 children)

ELA Basel’s After-School Programme (15:30-18:00) offers children the opportunity to be supervised after school whilst engaging in fun activities.

These are some examples of our previous After School Programme activities

Upper primary children playing outside


A range of sports is undertaken, including basketball, archery and football with Primary 3 to Primary 8. The children learn many skills including the importance of being fit, teamwork and hand-eye coordination. They also take part in games, competing against each other.

Kids in the kitchen

Children will learn the fundamentals of cooking and baking and how to make healthy eating choices. They will focus on nutrition and the well-being of the whole body by promoting a healthy lifestyle.

Friday football

Friday football will aim to improve coordination and skills, ultimately leading to children being selected to represent ELA Basel at local football tournaments.


Children have the chance to start or complete their homework which has been set by the teachers, and seek further guidance if required.

Board games

This group will play games, such as chess, dominos, Monopoly, Jenga, and many more. The games will help with number recognition, logic, spatial awareness, cognitive thinking and memory.

Art and painting

A range of art activities will be explored, including watercolour painting, doodling, finger painting and various styles of drawing using different media.


Children learn how to complete a cross stitch project from the beginning to the end. The aim is that each child will be able to independently create their own cross stitch over the course of the programme.

Upper Primary students playing softball