We have a long tradition of promoting sport and fitness in the school. All children take part in weekly physical education classes held at a nearby gymnasium. In the summer track and field events are held at a nearby athletics ground culminating in the popular Sports Day events in May or June each year.
Each year over 100 primary school children take part in the Basler Stadtlauf or city run. It is always a popular event and well attended by families and staff.
We are the only international school in Basel to offer a weekly swimming programme manned and staffed by the Basel-Stadt swimming programme. Swimming galas are held each year with prizes and trophies awarded to the winning House. In 2020 due to Covid-19 health restrictions this programme was replaced by an additional PE lesson. We returned to our swimming programme in April 2021 for Reception to Year 7.
In the popular After-School Programme, we offer a range of activities including dance, zumba, ball-games, running and archery.