ELA Basel offers the highly regarded UK Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS, external site). This curriculum sets the standards that ensure children learn and develop at an appropriate pace. It promotes personalised teaching and learning that prepares children for school giving them a broad range of knowledge, skills and learning experiences that provides a solid foundation for future progress through school and later life.
Book a visit and let us show you how it works in practice.
In the EYFS framework there are seven areas of learning.
There are three prime areas, which support development in all the others:
- Communication and Language
- Physical Development
- Personal, Social and Emotional Development
There are four specific areas of learning that impart essential skills and knowledge which children require to participate successfully in society:
- Literacy
- Mathematics
- Understanding of the World
- Expressive Arts and Design
Each area of learning and development is implemented through planned, purposeful play and a mix of adult-led and child-initiated activities.
Play is essential to children's development
Play is essential to children’s development, building their confidence as they learn to explore, think about problems, and relate to others. Children learn by leading their own play, and by taking part in play which is guided by adults. Continuous observations feed into planning to ensure that there is a good balance of age-appropriate child-initiated and adult-led activities. Staff respond to each child’s emerging needs and interests, guiding their development through warm, positive interaction.